Soul Restoration
Psalm 23 verse two, very familiar scripture. He makes me lie down in fresh, tender, green pastures. He leads me beside him. The still restful waters. He restores my soul in the passion translation. It says he offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. Guys, get this in your soul today. Get […]
Dream with God.
Inner Healing
Love is the key, and intimacy with God is the way to the wholeness and to the significance and to the identity that we’re seeking.
Jesus Is Our Big Brother
Bible scholars believe that Jesus had six siblings, that he was one of seven. We know that he was at least one of seven from Matthew chapter 13 verses 55 and 56, but there could have been more children. But even if he just had six siblings, four brothers, two sisters, cause we don’t know […]
Discover Who You Truly Are
We experience our true identity only in our intimacy with God; only in the secret place with Him do we discover who we truly are. It’s not something that happens in the head space. It’s something that happens in the heart space.